Package 'certedb'

Title: A Certe R Package for Connecting to Databases
Description: A Certe R Package for connecting to internal Certe cBases and local DuckDB databases. This package is part of the 'certedata' universe.
Authors: Matthijs S. Berends [aut, cre], Erwin E. A. Hassing [aut], Certe Medical Diagnostics & Advice Foundation [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Matthijs S. Berends <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.12.17
Built: 2025-01-27 11:50:25 UTC

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Connect to a Certe Database


Connect to an internal (yet remote) Certe database server using DBI::dbConnect(), or any other database.


db_connect(driver, ..., print = TRUE)

db_close(conn, ..., print = TRUE)



database driver to use, such as odbc::odbc() and duckdb::duckdb()


arguments passed on to DBI::dbDisconnect()


a logical to indicate whether info about the connection should be printed


connection to close, such as the output of db_connect()


# create a local duckdb database
db <- db_connect(duckdb::duckdb(), "~/my_duck.db")

db |> db_write_table("my_iris_table", values = iris)
db |> db_list_tables()
db |> db_has_table("my_iris_table")

if (require(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)) {
  db |> 
    tbl("my_iris_table") |> 
    filter(Species == "setosa", Sepal.Width > 3) |> 
    collect() |> 

db |> db_drop_table("my_iris_table")
db |> db_list_tables()

db |> db_close()

# remove the database

Download Data from a Local or Remote Database


Thes functions can be used to download local or remote database data, e.g. Spectre data from DiveLine on a Diver server (from Dimensional Insight). The get_diver_data() function sets up an ODBC connection (using db_connect()), which requires their quite limited DI-ODBC driver.


  date_range = this_year(),
  where = NULL,
  post_where = NULL,
  review_qry = interactive(),
  antibiogram_type = "sir",
  distinct = TRUE,
  auto_transform = TRUE,
  snake_case = TRUE,
  preset = read_secret("db.preset_default"),
  add_cols = NULL,
  date_column = NULL,
  diver_cbase = NULL,
  diver_project = read_secret("db.diver_project"),
  diver_dsn = if (diver_testserver == FALSE) read_secret("db.diver_dsn") else
  diver_testserver = FALSE,
  diver_tablename = "data",
  info = interactive(),
  log_file = read_secret("db.query_log"),
  limit = Inf,
  only_real_patients = TRUE,
  only_conducted_tests = TRUE,
  only_validated = FALSE,
  only_requested = FALSE,
  in_background = FALSE,

certedb_query(query, where = NULL, auto_transform = TRUE, info = interactive())

  date_range = this_year(),
  where = NULL,
  preset = NULL,
  review_qry = interactive(),
  duckdb_path = read_secret("db.duckdb_path"),
  duckdb_table = read_secret("db.duckdb_table"),
  auto_transform = TRUE,
  info = interactive()

  dates = NULL,
  where = NULL,
  select_preset = "mmb",
  preset = "mmb",
  select = NULL,
  add_cols = NULL,
  info = interactive(),
  first_isolates = FALSE,
  eucast_rules = "all",
  keep_synonyms = getOption("AMR_keep_synonyms", FALSE),
  mic = FALSE,
  disk = FALSE,
  zipcodes = FALSE,
  ziplength = 4,
  tat_hours = FALSE,
  log_file = read_secret("db.query_log"),
  only_real_patients = TRUE,
  only_conducted_tests = TRUE,
  only_validated = FALSE,
  only_show_query = FALSE,
  review_where = interactive(),
  auto_transform = TRUE,
  query = NULL,

  dates = NULL,
  where = NULL,
  add_cols = NULL,
  info = interactive(),
  only_real_patients = TRUE,
  only_conducted_tests = TRUE,
  only_validated = TRUE,
  only_show_query = FALSE,

  date_range = this_year(),
  where = NULL,
  review_qry = interactive(),
  antibiogram_type = "sir",
  distinct = TRUE,
  auto_transform = TRUE,
  diver_tablename = "glims10",
  info = interactive(),
  limit = Inf,



date range, can be length 1 or 2 (or more to use the min/max) to filter on the column specified in the YAML file, see presets. Defaults to this_year(). Use NULL to set no date filter. Can also be years, or functions such as last_month(). Date-time ojects will be converted to dates, so using times as input is useless. It is supported to filter on a date-time column though.

where, post_where

arguments to filter data on, will be passed on to filter(). Do not use && or || but only & or | in filtering. The post_where will be run after all downloading and post-processing, but before the auto-transform.


a logical to indicate whether the query must be reviewed first, defaults to TRUE in interactive mode and FALSE otherwise. This will always be FALSE in Quarto / R Markdown, since the output of knitr::pandoc_to() must be NULL.


antibiotic transformation mode. Leave blank to strip antibiotic results from the data, "sir" to keep SIR values, "mic" to keep MIC values or "disk" to keep disk diffusion values. Values will be cleaned with as.sir(), as.mic() or as.disk().


logical to apply distinct() to the resulting data set


logical to apply auto_transform() to the resulting data set


logical to convert column names to snake case, only when auto_transform = TRUE


a preset to choose from presets(). Will be ignored if diver_cbase is set, even if it is set to NULL. Be sure to read the documentation on how to use presets, and to see in which order the YAML keys will be run.


extra column to include in the selection. Can be named to set a new column name. Use gl or di to quickly pick from a list.


column name of data set to query. Normally this should be set in a preset, but this argument can be used to override that.

diver_cbase, diver_project, diver_dsn, diver_testserver

properties to set in db_connect(). The diver_cbase argument will be based on preset, but can also be set to blank NULL to manually select a cBase in a popup window.


name of the database table to download data from. This is hard-coded by DI and should normally never be changed.


settings for old certedb_getmmb() function


a file path to which the query will be logged, after collection and before any transformation. Use NULL or "" to prevent logging.


maximum number of rows to return.


logical to include only real patients, i.e., remove test and Q&A samples


logical to include only tests that were not stopped


settings for old certedb_getmmb() function


logical to include only requested tests


run data collection in the background using callr::r_bg(). Use ...$get_result() to retrieve results, or ...$is_active() to check whether the background process still runs.


not used anymore, previously settings for old certetools::certedb_getmmb() function


a data.frame to view the query of, or a character string to run as query in certedb_getmmb() (which will ignore all other arguments, except for where, auto_transform and info).


path to the local DuckDB database


name of the DuckDB database to retrieve data from


date range, can be length 1 or 2 (or more to use the min/max) to filter on the column Ontvangstdatum. Defaults to this_year(). Use NULL to set no date filter. Can also be years, or functions such as last_month().


settings for old certedb_getmmb() function


settings for old certedb_getmmb() function


settings for old certedb_getmmb() function


settings for old certedb_getmmb() function


a logical to indicate if old, previously valid taxonomic names must be preserved and not be corrected to currently accepted names. The default is FALSE, which will return a note if old taxonomic names were processed. The default can be set with the package option AMR_keep_synonyms, i.e. options(AMR_keep_synonyms = TRUE) or options(AMR_keep_synonyms = FALSE).


settings for old certedb_getmmb() function


settings for old certedb_getmmb() function


settings for old certedb_getmmb() function


settings for old certedb_getmmb() function


settings for old certedb_getmmb() function


settings for old certedb_getmmb() function


a logical to indicate whether the query must be reviewed first, defaults to TRUE in interactive mode and FALSE otherwise. This will always be FALSE in Quarto / R Markdown, since the output of knitr::pandoc_to() must be NULL.


These functions return a 'certedb tibble' from Diver or the certemmb MySQL database, which prints information in the tibble header about the used source and current user.

Use certedb_query() to retrieve the original query that was used to download the data.

Using certedb_query("your qry here") is identical to using certedb_getmmb(query = "your qry here").


## Not run: 

# peek-preview of a cBase:
get_diver_data(diver_cbase = "models/MedEpi/GLIMS10_Resistenties.cbase",
               date_range = NULL, limit = 10, review_qry = FALSE, auto_transform = FALSE)

# these two work identical:
get_diver_data(date_range = 2024, where = BepalingCode == "PXNCOV")
get_diver_data(2024, BepalingCode == "PXNCOV")

# use gl$ to pull a list with column names while you type
get_diver_data(2024, gl$BepalingCode == "PXNCOV")

# gl$ can also be used for adding columns, which can also be named
get_diver_data(2024, gl$BepalingCode == "PXNCOV", add_cols = gl$AfnameJaar)
get_diver_data(2024, gl$BepalingCode == "PXNCOV", add_cols = c(jaar = gl$AfnameJaar))

# for the `where`, use `&` or `|`:
               gl$BepalingCode == "PXNCOV" & gl$Zorglijn == "2e lijn")
               where = gl$BepalingCode == "PXNCOV" | gl$Zorglijn == "2e lijn")

# use %like%, %unlike%, %like_case% or %unlike_case% for regular expressions
get_diver_data(2024, where = gl$MateriaalNaam %like% "Bloed")
get_diver_data(2024, where = gl$MateriaalNaam %unlike% "Bloed")
get_diver_data(2024, where = gl$MateriaalNaam %like_case% "bloed")
get_diver_data(2024, where = gl$MateriaalNaam %unlike_case% "Bloed")

               where = gl$BepalingNaam %like% "Noro" &
                         gl$PatientLeeftijd >= 75)
# R objects will be converted
materialen <- c("A", "B", "C")
get_diver_data(2024, where = gl$MateriaalNaam %in% materialen)
leeftijden <- 65:85
get_diver_data(2024, where = gl$PatientLeeftijd %in% leeftijden)

# USING DIVER INTEGRATOR LANGUAGE --------------------------------------

# See the website for an overview of allowed functions:

# Use Diver Integrator functions within EVAL():              
get_diver_data(2024, where = EVAL('regexp(value("MateriaalCode"),"^B")'))

  where = EVAL('rolling(12, value("OntvangstDatum"), date("2024/11/27"))')

## End(Not run)

# USING DUCKDB DATABASE ------------------------------------------------

# create a local duckdb database and write a table
db <- db_connect(duckdb::duckdb(), "~/my_duck.db")
db |> db_write_table("iris", values = iris)
db |> db_close()

df <- get_duckdb_data(date_range = NULL,
                      where = Species == "setosa" & Sepal.Width > 3,
                      # not needed in production environment:
                      duckdb_path = "~/my_duck.db",
                      duckdb_table = "iris",
                      review_qry = FALSE,
                      info = TRUE)

# remove the database

Available Presets for get_diver_data()


Work with presets for get_diver_data(). This automates selecting, filtering, and joining cBases.






name of the preset


The function presets() returns a data.frame with available presets, as defined in the secrets YAML file under db.presets.

The function get_preset() will return all the details of a preset as a list.

Required YAML Format

This YAML information should be put into the YAML file that is read using read_secret(). Afterwards, the name of the preset can be used as get_diver_data(preset = "...").

The most basic YAML form:

  cbase: "location/to/name.cbase"
  date_col: "ColumnNameDate"

The most extensive YAML form:

  cbase: "location/to/name.cbase"
  date_col: "ColumnNameDate"
  filter: ColumnName1 %in% c("Filter1", "Filter2") & ColumnName2 %in% c("Filter3", "Filter4")
  select: ColumnName1, ColumnName2, ColumnNameReceiptDate, new_name = OldName
    cbase: "location/to/another.cbase"
    by: ColumnName1, ColumnName2
    type: "left"
    filter: ColumnName1 == "abc"
    select: ColumnName1, col_name_2 = ColumnName2, ColumnName3, everything(), !starts_with("abc")
    wide_names_from: ColumnName3
    cbase: "location/to/yet_another.cbase"
    by: ColumnName1, ColumnName2
    type: "left"
    select: ColumnName1, ColumnName2, ColumnName3
    wide_names_from: ColumnName3
    wide_name_trans: gsub("_", "..", .x)

For all presets, cbase and date_col are required.

Order of running

The YAML keys run in this order:

  1. Download cBase and filter (applied in WHERE statement)

  2. Select

  3. Join(s)

  4. Post-processing

After this, the arguments in get_diver_data() will run:

  1. Post-WHERE if post_where is set, using filter()

  2. Distinct if distinct = TRUE, using distinct()

  3. Auto-transform if autotransform = TRUE, using auto_transform()

cBase (cbase)

This cBase must be a filepath and must exist on the Diver server. For joins, this can also be another type of file, see Joins

Select (select)

Input for select will be passed on to select(), meaning that column names can be used, but also tidyselect functions such as everything().

Filters (filter)

Input for filter will be passed on to filter().

Joins (join)

For joins, you must set at least cbase, by, and type ("left", "right", "inner", etc., see here).

Other files than a cBase in the field cbase will be imported using certetoolbox::import(), such as an Excel or CSV file. This can be any file on any local or remote location (even live internet files). For example:

  cbase: "location/to/excel_file.xlsx"
  by: ColumnName1
  type: "left"
  cbase: ""
  by: ColumnName1
  type: "left"

An unlimited number of joins can be used, but all so-called 'keys' must be unique and start with join, e.g. joinA / joinB or join / join2 / join3.

If wide_names_from is set, the dataset is first transformed to long format using the columns specified in by, and then reshaped to wide format with values in wide_names_from.

Use wide_name_trans to transform the values in wide_names_from before the reshaping to wide format is applied. Use .x for the column values. As this will be applied before the data is transformed to a wide format, it allows to refine the values in wide_names_from using e.g., case_when().

Post-processing (post-processing)

Any data transformation can be done after the data have been downloaded and processed according to all previous steps. Use x to indicate the data set.

  cbase: "location/to/name.cbase"
  date_col: "ColumnNameDate"
  post-processing: |
    x |>
      mutate(Column1 = case_when(Column2 = "A" ~ 1,
                                 Column3 = "B" ~ 2,
                                 TRUE ~ 3))

As shown, in YAML the | character can be used to start a multi-line statement.

The post-processing field can also be an R file path, which will be sourced:

  cbase: "location/to/name.cbase"
  date_col: "ColumnNameDate"
  post-processing: "location/to/file.R"
  cbase: "location/to/name.cbase"
  date_col: "ColumnNameDate"
  post-processing1: "location/to/file 1.R"
  post-processing2: "location/to/file 2.R"

Note that all post-processing steps will run directly after the querying the data and thus before auto-transformation if autotransform = TRUE in get_diver_data().

Search cBase Interactively


Use this Shiny app to search a cBase. There is also an RStudio add-in.


  preset = read_secret("db.preset_default_shiny"),
  diver_cbase = NULL,
  diver_project = read_secret("db.diver_project"),
  diver_dsn = if (diver_testserver == FALSE) read_secret("db.diver_dsn") else
  diver_testserver = FALSE,
  diver_tablename = "data"



a preset to choose from presets(). Will be ignored if diver_cbase is set, even if it is set to NULL. Be sure to read the documentation on how to use presets, and to see in which order the YAML keys will be run.

diver_cbase, diver_project, diver_dsn, diver_testserver

properties to set in db_connect(). The diver_cbase argument will be based on preset, but can also be set to blank NULL to manually select a cBase in a popup window.


name of the database table to download data from. This is hard-coded by DI and should normally never be changed.